Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink

proposal for :

ART-526 Practical Methodology Bill Hill spring 2015

Last semester my research took me into uncharted areas of my practice. I had taken previous research into a diagnostic of the language ,symbolism, and process I was using and found very specific patterns in how I represented personal ontological perspectives.  One direction that this research took was in the way I related to what Continental Philosophers and social scientists identify as “the other”. 

The other refers to the state of being alien. “The Other” diverges from what is normal, transcends identity and is the opposite of self. The work I executed to address this theory made use of speculative fiction tropes. Speculative fiction also known as science fiction commonly approaches the idea of “the other” as a plot device and space as the vacuum of power into which humanity throws itself. Another revelation about my practice evolved around my process and how reliant on improvisation I was.

 This I came to identify as attempts at sovereignty and an unconditional command of conscience. My own personal experience with the other and autonomous spaces came from frequent dislocation as an adolescent. With each new living situation I recognized potential for change.  In examining the mechanisms by which I mitigated my own encounters with the unfamiliar, I identified  transience with potentiality.  The new territory brings opportunity and autonomy.  On a larger scale and with society in general the other can manifest geographically in liminal spaces within the liminal context of suburbia. These grey areas of low definition, ambiguous ownership and vacuums of governance are spaces of transient self rule. This semester I will perform acts of mark making and commit to gestures  that reflect the relationship myself and society at large have developed between the other and autonomous spaces. The autonomous spaces will be linked to bodies of water such as retention and runoff ponds. The vessel will be a personal sized sail boat with individualized sails markings that I will craft from scratch, corresponding to each new situation and venue- 

Indelable ink on sail cloth

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