gods and godess-(Thoosa)origins of religion tied to ventures for profit.
Asking for more-increase. Sea navigation as field of chance. Would like to make a sail out of billiard cloth or black jack table baize . The root of modern statistics in speculative undertakings. Interesting how religion and markets are tied to each other. The medici family and sponsors or donors for journeys. Lightening.The letter א Aleph symbolizes the wind,Boat names are always so auspicious.
I am also seeing an overlap with the research for R&D II Leach Spring 2015
"I am finding similarities in the visual relationships between the grotto as represented in renaissance follies and the concept of the temple curtain in Hebrew traditions. Both of these texture fields are signatures of place. The places where the other" is often encountered. I am also starting to see relationships between the material used in making the temple curtains and games of chance as in billiard and black jack table coverings. That material is called baize" |
Quadrivium arithmetic was pure number, geometry was number in space, music number in time, and astronomy number in space and time. How does this relate to play as oscillation? How does play relate to navigation? |
sextant-star navigation |
This is the boat style I learned to sail on as a ten year old child. It was called a scorpion and competed with the SunFish model. |
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Ripley's Believe it or not St. Augustine worior with Vajra-
Kongōrikishi (金剛力士) or Niō (仁王) are two wrath-filled and muscular guardians of the Buddha, standing today at the entrance of many Buddhist temples all across Asia including China, Japan and Korea in the form of frightening wrestler-like statues. They are manifestations of the Bodhisattva Vajrapāṇi protector deity and the oldest and most powerful of the Mahayana pantheon. According to Japanese tradition, they travelled with the historical Buddha to protect him and there are references to this in the Theravada Scriptures as well as the Ambatta Sutta. Within the generally pacifist tradition of Buddhism, stories of Niō guardians like Kongōrikishi justified the use of physical force to protect cherished values and beliefs against evil.
Cherished values and belief -how we seek solitude to protect those beliefs or we resort to aggression. The act of isolation is very apparent when we make an island of ourselves. Boats become a way to solitude.
-Vajra is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond.[1] Additionally, it is a weapon which is used as a ritual object to symbolize both the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force).
double crown formations-vadra -tridents ,royalty, neptune, |
plastic bags
petroleum |
first car |
star-ship |
speculative vessel Galctic Pot Healer-Philip K. Dick-
The story concerns a man who thanklessly heals pots in a totalitarian future Earth, only to be summoned by a godlike alien known as Glimmung, who has recruited him as part of a multispecies specialist team sent to "Plowman's Planet" (or Sirius Five) for a mystical quest, which is to raise the sunken cathedral of Heldscalla from a surreal alien ocean.
I am very interested in the spaces that are opened up psychologically by speculative fiction creative works.
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